ايجار ميكروباص: أسوان وجزيرة النباتات | Rent a Van: Aswan & Botanical Island
ايجار ميكروباص: أسوان وجزيرة النباتات | Rent a Van: Aswan & Botanical Island
Rent a Van: Aswan & Botanical Island
Welcome to Egypt, the land of the Pharaohs! Are you ready to explore the treasures of ancient Egypt and enjoy its stunning natural beauty? Whether you are traveling alone, with your family, or a group of friends, Nassar Limousine Company for Tourist Transport Services provides you with the perfect transportation from the airport to your tourist destination with comfort and safety.
Hire a Toyota Coaster 24-Seater and set off on your journey!
If you are traveling with a small group or family, renting a Toyota Coaster 24-seater is the perfect choice for you. Nassar Limousine Company provides you with the latest air-conditioned minibuses equipped with the highest safety standards to ensure a comfortable and safe journey throughout your trip.
Discover the magic of Egypt with Nassar Limousine
From the Pyramids and the Sphinx to the Temples of Karnak and Luxor: Embark on a journey through time and discover the treasures of ancient Egyptian civilization.
From Aswan and Botanical Island to the Red Sea beaches: Enjoy the beauty of Egypt's stunning nature, from its historical monuments to its charming beaches.
24/7 distinguished service: Nassar Limousine's team is available 24 hours a day to serve you and meet all your needs.
Competitive prices: We offer competitive and affordable prices for all budgets.
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I book a minibus? You can contact us by phone, email, or visit our website to book the minibus that suits you.
Can I change the route of the trip? Yes, you can contact us to modify the route of the trip to suit your wishes.
Do you provide airport pick-up services? Yes, we provide airport pick-up and drop-off services to hotels and tourist attractions.
What safety measures do you follow? We attach great importance to the safety of our customers and take all necessary security measures to ensure their safety.
Feel free to contact us
Make your trip to Egypt an unforgettable experience with Nassar Limousine Company for Tourist Transport Services. Contact us now to book a Toyota Coaster minibus and embark on your adventure!
Contact Information
Contact us: +201119920103 _ +201101055099
Address: Egypt, Cairo, Airport
Website: https://limousinenassar.com/
Minibus rental, van rental, Toyota Coaster minibus, tourist transport, tourist trips, Egypt, Pyramids, Sphinx, Karnak Temple, Luxor, Aswan, Botanical Island, Red Sea, Cairo Airport.
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